Monday, November 01, 2010

2 posts in one day? overachiever...

This post is going to be a little bit scattered. I am just trying to get myself in the habit of blogging :-)

...I am sitting on the couch listening to the boys talk to each other from their beds. I honestly think they don't get that I can hear them! They have been in bed for almost an hour now "going to sleep". This schedule stuff is for the birds!

... Susie Harris is doing a sweet little giveaway tonight. I already entered and here's hoping that I win!

...I didn't get the housecleaning done today like I wanted to but I guess theres always tomorrow! I did fix a roast for dinner which given the current state of lazy I'm in, is a huge thing. I swear this pregnany has zapped all energy from my body.

...Found a great pattern for a Moby Wrap online. Can't wait to try it. I had a sling with Bridge and hated it. Hopefully this one will be awesome.

...I think I'm off to take a shower and try to go to sleep early. I'm betting as soon as I get off the couch someone is going to start crying. A day in the life :-)

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